
Conversations with my Kids: “Crazy”

I’m going to share funny things my children say from time to time here.  Why?
1. Because they really are hilarious, and
2. So I won’t forget them and what they’re like at their current age.


Conversations with my Kids: “Crazy”

I asked my six-year old to clean up her room and the room dubbed as her ‘toy room’ at the end of the day.  Her younger sister, age 2, was trying to help out.

Six-year old: “Mom, she’s messing me up.  I just cleaned that spot.”
Me: “I know, but your sister’s trying to help in her own crazy way.”
Six-year old: “Crazy!?  But I do NOT WANT CRAZY!” said with a serious face beginning to pout.
Me: (laughing and unable to keep a straight face) “Sweetie, none of us WANT Crazy but it’s part of the family genes!”
Six-year old: “What does that mean?”
Me: (leaving the room so I could laugh more) “That’s a conversation for another day…”



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