
Jigsaw Puzzle Writing (a Poem)

Below is a poem I wrote freestyle.  In it I compare the writing process to piecing together a jigsaw puzzle.

puzzle pieces

Poem Title: Jigsaw Puzzle Writing

Writing is often a jigsaw puzzle set before us
The exterior – the idea of it – looks and feels beautiful
We open up the box
We begin composing with determination
We make a mental time frame
Of when to complete the masterpiece
Putting together the pieces is tricky and daunting
We start with the edge and work our way in
Or we begin with any odd section
Fragments fit together
First a character may catch our attention
Next a place-a town or café -appears on paper
Details come into bloom
As we build the framework, the middle forms
Matching elements are often found
In fast, uninterrupted moments
An entire section builds without any real effort
Adrenaline rushes…
Then motion ceases
No pairs are found
The creator is helpless
We wonder if the puzzle will ever be finished
We take a step back
We walk away or try another day
Begin again
The process repeats
We are finally down to the last dozen members in the pack
Slowly and gracefully the last puzzle piece goes in place
As the writer, we pause to admire our work
But only for an instant
We fight the urge to break the puzzle apart
Scatter pieces about the room
Rebuild or change the outcome
Chaos and agony resurface
A new box is opened
The writer composes once more.

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