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Typical Saturday Morning (a Poem)

typical saturday morning

Typical Saturday Morning

“Mommy I’m hungry”
One eye glances at the alarm clock
5:57 a.m.
“Grab a banana and go play quietly in your room.”

A few minutes later…
“Mommy can you hold me?”
I climb down from bed,
Wiping away eye crust

I’m greeted with hugs and excitement
My husband starts the coffee

Waffles sound good today – chocolate chips
Spinach and sausage omelets for adults

Music is turned on
What mood am I in?
60’s era today
Van Morrison, CCR and Hendrix

I later switch to 50’s
Dion and Elvis, domestic bliss

Girls laughing in their room
The waffle iron is hot
I sneak in licks of chocolate
My latte is nearly gone

Girls start arguing
One begins to cry
I’ve overcooked the eggs
My head begins to hurt

Breakfast is ready
We eat as a family
Quiet munching and swaying
Everyone happy and hungry

“Mommy, what is this weird music you are playing?”
“Can you put on Taylor Swift?”

Meal is done
Cleaning dishes isn’t so bad
I am comfy
Yoga pants and sweater

“Can we go outside mommy?”
“Yes!” (I can read and write in peace)
Away they go to their adventures
I’m about to start my own

First let me check Twitter and Facebook…
Oh, let me see what sites are looking for submissions…
No, stay on track…
You have a book to write
And that new article idea to consider….
Okay, I’ll focus in

Damn that breakfast was good…
Oh this song is my jam, turns it up!
Look at this new magazine
I already have a great story to submit

“Hello, I want attention too!”
Shouts my stack of books
And my half-used note pads and pens
I decide to sit and write this poem instead

A typical Saturday morning for me
Already tired by 10:00 a.m.
But so grateful for the chaos
These messy moments that are mine alone

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