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Art | Culture

Play More Funky Music

Do you listen to music every day? How about multiple times per day? How does it affect your mood? Last week, the music app on my phone popped up and displayed how many hours of music I listened to in 2016. It was an impressive amount. The notice had me thinking about how much I …

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Culture | Work

The Right Culture for the Best Community

I started a new job this week. My first day consisted of an all-day orientation and training. The words I heard the most for the first two hours were “culture” and “community.” I work for an organization where culture is the thing that is valued most. This is because that culture affects the entire community. …

Culture | Personal Growth

How to be a Difference Maker 101

Will a difference you make OR a space you take? This was a billboard sign I read recently. Wow, that was a powerful question indeed.  It truly had me pondering.  A few years ago, I would have just dismissed the message without much regard. Now the words matter to me. I have no interest in just taking up …

Business | Culture | Food | Work

Bee-lieve in Local Business Impact

Over a year ago I wrote about Bee movie and how bees may be small creatures but their contributions to our community make a huge impact. The film I saw with my children was the perfect metaphor to describe how important the contributions are that small businesses make in our economy.  Today I had the great …

Art | Culture | Parenting | Personal Growth | Theatre | Work | Writing

Inside Out: Emotions as Teaching Tools (my speech in Toastmasters worth sharing)

I gave this speech (below) in my Toastmasters group.  Actually it was credited as two speeches from the Competent Communicator Manual – with emphasis on vocal variety and visual aids.  The total time it took me to deliver this speech was almost fourteen minutes.  I received such great feedback from the presentation and I had such …