
Conversations with my Kids: “Disco Stick and Explaining Lady Gaga”

I’m going to share funny things my children say from time to time here.  Why? 1. Because they really are hilarious, and 2. So I won’t forget them and what they’re like at their current age. ———————————————————————————– Conversations with my Kids: “Disco Stick and Explaining Lady Gaga” Two evenings ago at bath time, my seven …

Home Life | Parenting

Day Dates and Porta Potty Moments

My marriage is in the day date phase.  My spouse and I have been married for over twelve years. We have two children with no babysitter in place and no relatives around to help. Therefore my husband and I take a day off from work so we can have a real date.  Our most recent …

Home Life | Parenting | Personal Growth

Because I Love You

This scenario and conversation happened with my youngest daughter, age 2 (almost 3) this morning. It really happened. Nothing is made up or exaggerated. I’m sharing it here because it really made me ponder.  What we discussed sums up parenting in the simplest way. The feedback also addresses the struggles we have at times with …

Home Life | Parenting | Poetry | Writing

Typical Saturday Morning (a Poem)

Typical Saturday Morning “Mommy I’m hungry” One eye glances at the alarm clock 5:57 a.m. “Grab a banana and go play quietly in your room.” A few minutes later… “Mommy can you hold me?” I climb down from bed, Wiping away eye crust I’m greeted with hugs and excitement My husband starts the coffee Waffles …

Home Life | Parenting

Dear Inventor of the Automatic Flushing Toilet,

Dear Inventor of the Automatic Flushing Toilet, Why did you have to put your scientific skills to work at such a trivial thing like commodes flushing by themselves?  Are we as a society so completely lazy that we can’t take two seconds to reach over and pull the lever ourselves?  I mean, honestly? Instead of …

Home Life | Parenting

Five Tips to Make School Mornings Easier

I just love waking up my two children and preparing them ready for school in the morning, Said No Parent Ever. This includes me. I certainly do not enjoy the tasks of helping my seven-year-old and two-year-old awaken, eat, dress, groom (and not have four meltdowns) in a timely manner so we can exit the …

Home Life | Parenting

Conversations with my Kids: “Tummy aches and Trucks – Two True Stories”

I’m going to share funny things my children say from time to time here.  Why? 1. Because they really are hilarious, and 2. So I won’t forget them and what they’re like at their current age. ———————————————————————————– Conversations with my Kids: “Tummy aches and Trucks – Two True Stories” A few weeks ago, my seven …

Parenting | Personal Growth | Writing

Swim Away

This is a 750-word non-fiction short story I wrote and submitted to several publications in the summer of 2013. Title: Swim Away “Mommy, I want to ride in the cart too!” my five year old shouts in my ear. I struggle to lift all forty six pounds’ solidness of her body. I grunt and plop …