Home Life | Personal Growth

What Love Is (for me)

Today is Valentine’s day so I decided to write about love.  I know, I know, what a cliche’. Maybe I should apply to work for Hallmark.  (FYI, I applied there in my early twenties when I thought I wanted to be a greeting card writer…) Don’t vomit yet though.  Most of what love means to …

Business | Personal Growth

On Being Resourceful

The best compliment I ever remember receiving is when a roommate (or suite-mate like we called it) in college told me I was resourceful.  Yes, resourceful.  Not words like beautiful or sexy or kind or generous.  But resourceful. Why was (and is) this such huge flattery?  Well for one thing, this praise came sometime between …

Art | Personal Growth | School | Theatre

You be the Judge

Yesterday I served as a judge for the University of West Florida Marks Invitational which is a speech and debate (forensics) competition where students compete in a variety of categories.  I volunteered to judge one or two panels.  They placed me in the dramatic interpretation contest.  Other events like impromptu, humorous, and other topics were taking …

Personal Growth | Work | Writing

2015: The Year I Asked

Ask and ye shall receive.  Is that how the ancient saying goes?  As I look back upon 2015, I realize this past year has been remarkable.  For once my laundry list of achievements is more than simply folding and putting away loads of towels, light, and dark clothing.  My portfolio has pages of listings worth …

Art | Home Life | Parenting | Personal Growth

Capture the “Perfect” Moments

“Smile, not the fake toothy smile,” I said to my oldest daughter. “Smooth your dress right there,” I pointed to my youngest daughter. “Okay, 1…2…3…!”  SNAP!  I took the photo. “Wait you blinked, let’s try again!” Does this sound familiar? We strive to capture that perfect family moment, the two kids smiling while wearing their …