Art | Personal Growth | School | Theatre

You be the Judge

Yesterday I served as a judge for the University of West Florida Marks Invitational which is a speech and debate (forensics) competition where students compete in a variety of categories.  I volunteered to judge one or two panels.  They placed me in the dramatic interpretation contest.  Other events like impromptu, humorous, and other topics were taking …

School | Writing

My Studies (Will) Take Me Longer

I spent five hours writing and editing a 2-page critical analysis this weekend.  Prior to that, I researched material on and off during a period of four weekends.  As I type this and read my words aloud, I feel a bit ridiculous.  Yes, it really has taken me this long to do a simple homework assignment. To …

Personal Growth | School

Expect for your Mind to be Blown

The phrase, “Expect for your Mind to be Blown,” were the words that stuck within my head after an all-day graduate studies workshop on Saturday.  This was my biggest takeaway from the session.  Our day was filled with paper writing tips, examples on APA style, open discussion with other students and professors in the program but …

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