Food | Parenting

Conversations with my Kids: “Butts and Toots – it’s what’s for breakfast!”

I’m going to share funny things my children say from time to time here.  Why?
1. Because they really are hilarious, and
2. So I won’t forget them and what they’re like at their current age.



Conversations with my Kids: “Butts and Toots – it’s what’s for breakfast!”

Last weekend when my family all sat down at the table to eat breakfast, the following conversation occurred.  All of it is real and not exaggerated.

I was taking a bite of my eggs when my youngest daughter said this random thing to me.

Lana (age 3): “Mommy, look at my butt!”

Me: “Umm, no thanks!”

Lana (age 3): “Mommy, I don’t like butts.”

Me (age 36): “Someday you might.” (Then I chuckled to myself. Why did I say that?)

My husband Kirk (age 37): “I like butts.”

Lana (age 3): “No daddy, you like toots!”  (Toots is a word used a lot in my house.  My husband uses this term in the place of “farts” and often tells the kids he puts toots in their food.)

Vivian (age 7): “Daddy, I put toots in your eggs you’re eating.”

Kirk (age 37): “No you didn’t. I made them myself.”  (I am sure he thought he outsmarted her.)

Vivian (age 7): “Yeah but I snuck them in when you weren’t looking!” (She then smiled real big realizing that she maybe outsmarted him this time).

Are your conversations this intellectual and stimulating around your kitchen table?  I hope so.

For more funny conversations with my children, you can visit here and scroll through the past hilarity.

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