
Conversations with my Kids: “Disco Stick and Explaining Lady Gaga”

I’m going to share funny things my children say from time to time here.  Why?
1. Because they really are hilarious, and
2. So I won’t forget them and what they’re like at their current age.


Conversations with my Kids: “Disco Stick and Explaining Lady Gaga”

Two evenings ago at bath time, my seven year old asked me the following:

Vivian (age 7): “What’s a disco stick and why do you ride on it?”

Me: “Wait, what?!”  (thinking, what the hell!)

Vivian: “Yeah, you know that song you were singing and dancing to this morning?”

Me: (Oh yeah, Lady Gaga….damn you and your catchy tunes!)

Vivian:  Singing, “Let’s have some fun.  This beat is sick.  I wanna take a ride on your disco stick…  So what’s a disco stick and why do you ride on it?”

Me: (Trying not to blush) “Um, it’s an expression sweetie. People like to dance and you may see this on a dance floor when you are older…”  (It could mean that, sure… how do I explain Lady Gaga?  How did my parents explain early Madonna years to me?)

Vivian starts singing the song and her little sister (age 2, almost 3 joins in):
“Let’s have some fun.  This beat is sick.  I wanna take a ride on your disco stick… “

My husband walks in and hears them singing the phrase.  I start laughing.

Me: “I guess I may get a phone call from the teachers or other parents… oh well.  It is a fun song.  They don’t know what it really means.”

Husband: “Great, just great.  I love hearing my daughters talk about riding disco sticks.”

Me: “I know but it’s just a song to them.  Tomorrow it will be something else…”

I’m still laughing about it.  I refuse to shelter my kids from sex and dirty words but I will try to advise them to just sing them at home and talk to me about it first.

disco stick lady gaga

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