
Conversations with my Kids: “Pimples”

I’m going to share funny things my children say from time to time here.  Why?

1. Because they really are hilarious, and
2. So I won’t forget them and what they’re like at their current age.


Conversations with my Kids: “Pimples”

As I was completing my bedtime routine the other night- washing my face, brushing my teeth, my six year old walked into the bathroom.   She looked at me oddly.  Then the following discussion occurred.

Daughter: “Mommy is your chin going to be okay?” she asked and made an ugly face.
Me: “What?! Yes, why?”
Daughter: “What are those red dots on there?
Me: Examining myself in the mirror, “Oh, those are pimples.”
Daughter: “What are pinkels?”
Me: “Not pinkels, pim-ples.”
Daughter: “Do they go away?” seeming concerned.
Me: “Yes they go away but only after you take an important photo or shake hands with a dozen people who see them first (like I have to do tomorrow).”


Ahh, kids, they notice EVERYTHING and point it out to you!  Haha!

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