Personal Growth | Writing
A Short but Wonderfully Sweet Note
I received the nicest note in the mail about two weeks ago. It was a total, wonderful surprise from a dear person in my writer’s group. This is what it said:
It was a very short note but those three bullet point statements were so touching. A wonderful woman, Joetta told me that that I taught her new things. She said I was an inspiration to her. Finally she concluded that I enabled her to dare.
Wow, I thought to myself when I received this unexpected letter. In our crazy tech-world of texting and disconnect, who takes the time to let others know this gratitude? This meant so much to me! I was very moved by this gesture.
Short notes, especially handwritten ones are such a rare gem these days. I recently wrote about the concept of “love notes” in my monthly column on the Simple Marriage site in which I contribute. Although Joetta’s note to me was about appreciation and not romance, the same principles are key… I believe in taking the time to let other know they mean something to you.
Try to let a friend, family member, colleague or even a total stranger know that they are valued. Even a post-it note can be truly full of impact!
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