School | Writing

My Studies (Will) Take Me Longer

case study paper

I spent five hours writing and editing a 2-page critical analysis this weekend.  Prior to that, I researched material on and off during a period of four weekends.  As I type this and read my words aloud, I feel a bit ridiculous.  Yes, it really has taken me this long to do a simple homework assignment.

To compose a one-page proposal a few weeks ago, I spent about four hours writing and formatting the paper.  I agonized over how to structure my layout and weave my main points into the piece.

I write and edit.  I add and remove.  I reread and tweak it.  This is an ongoing process.

Therefore, I am admitting here and now: my graduate studies take me a long time!  They take me (and will take me) longer than the average or younger graduate student to complete.  I cannot wait until the last minute to begin a paper.  I can’t pull an “all-nighter” the way other students can complete.  I need, and most certainly prefer, an early start to my projects.

Graduate school is going to take me three or four years to finish.  My current cohort will be receiving their degrees in half the time it takes me to walk across the stage.  I may even go through two or three cohort groups.

But hey, that’s okay…  I am coming to terms with this fact and even learning to embrace it.

I’m often the older, slower one in class but I’m still doing the work.  Being in school while working and raising a young family is hard!  In fact, it is very challenging!  But I want to do this. I want to attain this advanced degree.  It requires a lot of my spare moments but my performance is on target.  So far, I’m receiving A’s or collecting all points on each task.

I take school seriously.  I want to do well.  The reading, writing and research takes me an extended amount of time.  I spend more endless hours than perhaps I even need to but it’s just who I am and my nature.  I want to apply what I’m learning to real life.  I want to gain knowledge and real value from my education.

My homework takes me longer.  Graduate school will take me twice as long as most students.  But hopefully the experiences, my determination and the outcome will provide greater, more lasting effects.

slow steady race turtle

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