Art | Books | Holidays | Home Life | Parenting | Personal Growth | Writing

The Scariest Night of My Life (a true tale from Halloween 2007)

The lights were off.  No glowing pumpkins sat on our home’s front porch.  Zero candy bowls were gently placed at the door for children seeking chocolates. Darkness, fear and uncertainty filled the air inside my house instead.  The eerie feelings grew with each breath I took. Continual screams blasted in my aching ears.  I had …

Home Life | Personal Growth | Work | Writing

I’m Not Busy, I’m Being Productive

I read an article recently suggesting that using the word “busy” or saying “I’ve been busy lately,” is not a good term or phrase to use.  The implication does not share anything specific going on in your life with others.  In fact, the word busy can even lead people to think you’re being ‘lazy’ and …

Home Life | Personal Growth | Work | Writing

Give Yourself One More

“Can I have just one more hug?” my three year old asked me this morning shyly. “Of course!” I replied. “You can always have one more hug from me. You can have as many hugs as you want,” I said. We embraced each other. I sure did appreciate my child’s extra affection and attention to …

Home Life | Parenting | Personal Growth | Uncategorized | Work | Writing

Planning, Priorities and Pancakes for Dinner

Now that I’m over a month into my fall semester of graduate school, I’m beginning to feel the pressure and anxiety that goes along with homework reading and assignments.  Add to that my work and family obligations.  Specifically I’m thinking about my daughter’s second grade learning, her extracurricular activities, my family meals to plan, an …

Home Life | Parenting | Personal Growth | Work | Writing

Give me Criticism so I can be Better!

I had a revelation recently about criticism.  Last week during a meeting with my book illustrator, I realized my change in attitude over helpful feedback. He showed me his initial sketches that are bringing my words to life (which I absolutely love!)  However, on one page, I had too many things happening in the story.  Within four lines …

Poetry | Writing

Disappearing Ideas (a poem)

Ever have an excellent idea pop into your head but then before you can take note of it, that notion slips away?  You strain the brain to remember it.  You curse the ghosts that took your innovative thoughts away.  The whole day passes by and then it returns the next one.  I wrote this poem …

Home Life | Personal Growth

The Happy Dog Social Experiment

Have you ever noticed how most dogs are so happy, so incredibly excited to see their human owners when they enter a room? Even if you leave the room for a few minutes and return, most canines are just thrilled to have you around?  They crave your attention.  They want to be petted and adored. We had …

Home Life | Personal Growth | Writing

Seven Simple Pleasures and the Importance of Writing

My friend Dana, who is also a writer, gave a speech in our Toastmasters group Thursday on the importance of writing everyday.  She urged the audience to write daily for four different reasons. Her first reason included the art of recognizing astonishment. She told a fabulous, descriptive story.  Dana detailed a scene she witnessed in the park …

Personal Growth | Writing

The Art of Speech Writing and Giving

A strange, surprising thrill has taken over me the past several weeks.  I do it in the shower.  I do it in the car on my morning and evening commute. I’m even doing it while washing dishes and folding laundry.  By “it” I mean practicing and writing speeches for my Toastmasters club. I joined the …

Holidays | Poetry

An Ode to Pumpkin

Dear Pumpkin, I can’t get you out of my head From spiced lattes and pies to freshly, baked bread You make us all crazy with the promise of fall Stuffed in pancakes or chili, I want them all From candles to casseroles, I smell you everywhere You tempt me with your bright orange flare A muffin, a torte or divine cheesecake …