Home Life | Personal Growth | School

Back to School

I did it.  I’m back in school, graduate school that is.  I’m not as old as Rodney Dangerfield but I’m probably showing my age just by mentioning him and his film, Back to School.  I bet most of the students in my night class do not even know who he is nor have they ever …

Personal Growth | Poetry | Social Media | Writing

My First Feature on Television (five minutes of fame)

A crazy thing happened this week…I was on television!  I was invited to be on a local TV station, BLAB-TV Pensacola to discuss the April 2015 Writers Digest Poem a Day competition I participated in. I was also able to talk about writing as a discipline and what inspires me.  This was a wonderful opportunity …

Books | Home Life | Parenting

Create Your Own Kids Summer Reading Program

Parents and children love to read, especially during hot and long summer days. Local libraries and bookstores offer summer reading lists for parents to use as a guide and for kids to enjoy.  As a parent of two small children, I am grateful for this.  However, what if the reading list overwhelms both you and …

Poetry | Writing

April Poem a Day Challenge – Poems 27 through 30 (I made it the whole month!)

Woo hoo!  Hip hip Hooray!!!  I made it through an entire month of the April Writers Digest Poem a Day challenge.  Sure, it may not seem like much to some folks to write a poem for 30 days in a row.  However, making time to write a poem daily while also raising a family, working …

Poetry | Writing

April Poem a Day Challenge – Poems 20 through 26

The challenge is reaching the end.  There are just a few days left of this April Writers Digest Poem A Day competition.  This past week had some strange and a few normal, expected topics.  Below are the poems I wrote for days 20 through 26. For Day 20, it was a fill in the blank …


April Poem a Day Challenge – Poems 13 through 19

As with most challenges, this April Writers Digest Poem A Day competition has grown fiercer in the last week.  The prompts were more difficult or thought-provoking for me.  Still I pushed through it and wrote something each day this week.  Below is my poetry written for days 13 through 19. For Day 13 we were …

Poetry | Writing

April Poem a Day Challenge – Poems 6 through 12

I’m keeping up with my April Writers Digest Poem a Day (PAD) Challenge.  For week two, we were given a variety of diverse prompts each day.  Below is my poetry written from day 6 through 12. For Day 6 we were prompted to write “Things Not as They Appear” I thought about reflection in a …


April Poem a Day Challenge – Poems 2 through 5

I’m continuing my journey in the Writers Digest Poem a Day (PAD) Challenge.  I went out of town for a few days so I was composing poetry from the car or a hotel room but I’m still working toward the one-a-day for a month goal.  I write my poems daily but I’m posting them here …


April Poem a Day Challenge

I am always up for a new challenge.  I have been known to even create my own challenge in the past. When I saw that Writers Digest is having a Poem a Day (PAD) Challenge for the entire month of April, I thought…Hell yes, I’m doing this!   The contest encourages all participants to write a …

Fiction Writing | Services | Writing

Helpful Writing Tips – Author Video, Podcast and Sample Book Proposal

I just finished writing a children’s book.  The actual time spent writing the book only took about two hours.  The research and preparation I did prior to my writing took about 20 hours – several visits to the library, a 2.5 hour documentary and many internet searches. The editing work I did after those first …